Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room

Facilities and Maintenance

Facilities and Maintenance

We are committed to providing well maintained schools and a safe environment that enhances our student's educational experience. Our areas of responsibility include building and grounds maintenance, custodial operations, management of community use requests and long range planning and facilities management.

Healthy and Safe Schools

OAR 581-022-2223 requires school districts to develop a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan. This plan includes the name of the staff person responsible for maintaining the plan, how the Forest Grove School District monitors and mitigates radon, lead in drinking water, lead paint, and integrated pest management. The plan also specifies where copies and test results may be obtained and how results will be communicated to the public. A summary of improvements and mitigation is reported annually. The Healthy and Safe School Plan can be read here.

The four areas covered by the Healthy and Safe Schools Plan include; radon, lead in drinking water, lead paint and integrated pest management. Additionally, we follow air quality safety protocols for our buildings. Additional details regarding these areas can be found by clicking on the links below:

HASS Plan Annual Certification

Radon Testing

Lead In Drinking Water

Integrated Pest Management

Notice of Contact for Special Accommodations

If you require special accommodations while utilizing any of the district facilities please contact the Director of Facilities, Mark Hughes, at 503.359.8110 ext. 8523 within 24 hours of the event. 

Who to Contact:
Mark Hughes
Director of Facilities
[email protected]
503-359-8110 ext. 8523
Randy Edmiston
Custodial Manager
503-359-8110 ext. 8552
Emilio Moreno Garcia
Unit Administrator
[email protected]
503-359-8110 ext. 8551 
Jesus Lopez Gaytan
[email protected]
Brent Way
[email protected]
Michael Thorud
[email protected]
Nick Reznichenko
[email protected]
Dave Weber
[email protected]
Steve Sullivan
[email protected]
Robert James
[email protected]