Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room
AmeriCorps » AmeriCorps


AmeriCorps Member assisting a student with work at a table

Partnerships for Student Achievement (PSA) is an education-based AmeriCorps program serving K-12 school sites in Washington & Yamhill Counties.  Our mission is to increase student academic achievement. The PSA AmeriCorps team improves academic achievement through tutoring, mentoring, extended day school activities, specialized projects, and volunteer generation. The value of service is demonstrated to the community at large and a stronger network of involved citizens is generated.


AmeriCorps is a National Service Program of the Corporation for National and Community Service. AmeriCorps members serve for one year in local non-profit organizations and are “getting things done” in communities across America. 


What PSA Members DO


PSA AmeriCorps members serve full-time (40 hours/week) for 11 months. While member activities vary from school to school, all placements include:


  • Tutoring and mentoring for low-achieving and at-risk students in math/and or reading
    • Tutoring 50 to 80% of PSA AmeriCorps member’s time
    • Provide one-on-one and small group intervention tutoring during the school day on a regular and consistent basis
    • These efforts must be additional or supplemental services only and not replace other services
  • Developing, implementing, and/or leading extended day activities
  • Developing and implementing Specialized Projects & Initiatives
  • Community, parent and student volunteer management
  • Members participate in monthly community service projects and will create a student-based project at their school in April


What PSA Member are NOT


  • PSA AmeriCorps members are not employees or volunteers. They are providing a term of National Service. The correct terminology is “AmeriCorps Member” or “National Service Participant”
  • They cannot cause employee displacement or supplant services
  • They may not engage in grant writing, fundraising, political activities (including voter registration), influence legislation, and religious proselytization

AmeriCorps links

*"Administered by Oregon Volunteers and sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service"
Who to contact:

Jeri Lerwick

Program Director

Partnerships for Student Achievement

(503) 3559-8110 x 4537


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