School starts on Sept. 4th (also is the first late start day) Please click through for full list of first day of school start times.
Release Schedule for the Last Day of School Click through for dismissal times on June 11th (half day)
Community Learning Center (CLC) Annual Showcase Events The CLC Annual Showcase for Tom McCall and NAMS are coming up soon. Click through for more detail.
NAMS Sixth Grade Parent Night (May 29th) An evening designed to give you information about what you and your children can expect next year in 7th grade.
Volunteers needed to help judge FGHS Senior Projects Come help provide feedback to the 2019 Senior Class. Click through for full details, dates and times.
Science Curriculum Community Listening Sessions FGSD is conducting a local adoption process for its existing science curriculum. Click through for more info.
FGHS Viking House Open House Come tour the house the Viking House Crew built. Click through for more info.