Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room

Rescheduled!! ¡¡Reprogramado!! Tom McCall Family Binglow Night!! ¡¡Noche de familia de Bingo Brillo!!

Rescheduled!! ¡¡Reprogramado!! Tom McCall Family Binglow Night!! ¡¡Noche de familia de Bingo Brillo!!
3/17/2023, 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
Tom McCall West Gym 1255 Pacific Ave Forest Grove Or 97116

Tom McCall Upper Elementary

Family BINGLOW Night!!
Noche familiar Bingbrillo

West Gym-Gimnasio del Oeste

Friday-Viernes,  March 17th- 17 de Marzo 6-7:30pm 

Cost-Costo?  Free!! Gratis!!!

Pizza by the Slice available for purchase. Pizza por venta por porciones.…

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