Three female students smiling at the camera in the lunch room

22-23 FGSD We Care Deeply Series: QPR

22-23 FGSD We Care Deeply Series: QPR
12/5/2022, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Virtual (Registration required)

Parents and caregivers of Forest Grove School District are invited to join our district Mental
Health Care Coordinators, Hanna Thompson and Kendra Pittman, for an introductory suicide
prevention training called Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR).

Se invita a los papás y proveedores de cuidados a acompañar a las coordinadoras de atención de salud mental de nuestro distrito, Hanna Thompson y Kendra Pittman, en una capacitación introductoria sobre la prevención del suicidio llamada Preguntar, Persuadir, Referir (PPR)…

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